1.300 volts or less;
2.150 volts or less to ground; and
3.50 amperes or less.
Lighting track is intended to be permanently installed and permanently connected to a branch circuit not exceeding 277 volts, nominal to ground, and 50 amperes.
These requirements cover:
1.Track networks consisting of track and connectors;
2.Mono-, duo-, and multi-point canopies;
3.Incandescent, fluorescent, and high intensity discharge (HID) fixture assemblies intended to be electrically connected to and physically supported by the track in track networks and canopies;
4.Mounting means for the track; and
These requirements do not cover:
1.Busways intended for lighting, receptacles, or other general-purpose adaptors covered by the Standard for Electric Busways and Associated Electrical Fittings, UL 857, and intended for use in accordance with Article 364 of the National Electrical Code, NFPA 70-1993; or
2.Track lighting systems for marine use aboard a ship or boat.