The stereoscopic image formats to be transported using this standard are the 4:2:2 and 4:4:4 image formats enumerated in Table 1, where each image format is defined by SMPTE ST 274, SMPTE ST 296, SMPTE ST 2048-2, SMPTE ST 428-9 or SMPTE ST 428-19, has a payload capacity of nominally 3 Gb/s and can be transported by a single SMPTE ST 424 serial interface.
Audio and other associated ancillary data may also be transported. This standard also defines a payload identifier.
Mapping structures for the video essence and ancillary data shall be as defined in SMPTE ST 425-1 Level A or Level B-DL.
It is not necessary for implementations to include support for all formats defined in Table 1, nor is it a requirement to support both mapping modes to conform to this standard. Implementers should indicate supported formats and supported mapping modes in commercial publications.