Note1: Users should be aware that equipment manufactured prior to the publication of this standard typically will not comply with its requirements.
Note2: Use of the Two-Frame Marker is optional with progressive video streams at 48/1.001(47.95)-Hz, 48-Hz, 50-Hz, 60/1.001(59.94)-Hz, and 60-Hz frame rates mapped to interlaced serial interfaces at 24/1.001(23.98)-Hz, 24-Hz, 25-Hz, 30/1.001(29.97)-Hz, and 30-Hz frame rates, respectively.
Note3: Use of the Two-Frame Marker is optional with progressive segmented frame video streams at 24/1.001(23.98)-Hz, 24-Hz, 25-Hz, 30/1.001(29.97)-Hz, and 30-Hz frame rates mapped to interlaced serial interfaces at 24/1.001(23.98)-Hz, 24-Hz, 25-Hz, 30/1.001(29.97)-Hz, and 30-Hz frame rates, respectively.