This Standard defines one new 0.15 voltage transformer accuracy class, two new 0.15 current transformer accuracy classes, two new current transformer burdens, and two new current transformer routine accuracy test methods. These supplement IEEE Std. C57.13-1993R, Standard Requirements for Instrument Transformers. The new burdens shall be considered for use when current transformers are to be used with electronic meters, and the total in-circuit burden will be less than B0.1 (2.5 Volt-Amperes at 5 Amp, 0.9 power factor) defined in IEEE Std. C57.13-1993R. The new accuracy classes, 0.15 and 0.15S are available to complement the capabilities of solid state electricity metering of equipment associated with the generation, transmission, and distribution of alternating current.
IEEE C57.13.6-2005
IEEE Standard for High Accuracy Instrument Transformers