This standard provides requirements for low-voltage (600 V ac and below) definite-purpose switching (LVDPS) devices (other than power circuit breakers) for use in metal-enclosed low-voltage power circuit breaker switchgear described in IEEE Std C37.20.1(TM). These switching devices may be used in motor control or other repetitive duty applications and have the following characteristics: a) Drawout type, three-pole construction; b) Integral current-limiting fuses for short-circuit protection; c) Power operated, with integral or separately mounted overcurrent protective devices; In this standard, the term a??LV-DPS devicea?? denotes a low-voltage definite-purpose switching device conforming to the requirements of this standard.
IEEE C37.13.1-2016
IEEE Standard for Definite-Purpose Switching Devices for Use in Metal-Enclosed Low-Voltage (600 V AC and Below) Power Circuit Breaker Switchgear