This standard applies to, and provides the basis for, the definition, specification, performance analysis, and application of systems used for supervisory control; data acquisition or automatic control, or both, in attended or unattended electric substations, including those associated with generating stations; and power utilization and conversion facilities. Systems covered by this standard typically use processors in the master station and in the remote stations. Such processors provide facilities for incorporating automatic control functions, either by the supplier or by the user, after the system is installed. This standard does not apply to electromechanical or static, protective-relaying equipment (see IEEE Std C37.90-1989 , IEEE Std C37.90.1-1989 , IEEE Std C37.90.2-1987 , IEEE Std C37.91-1985 , IEEE Std C37.93-1987 , IEEE Std C37.95-1989 , IEEE Std C37.96-1988 , and IEEE Std C37.97-1979 ).
IEEE C37.1-1994
IEEE Standard Definition, Specification and Analysis of Systems Used for Supervisory Control, Data Acquisition, and Automatic Control