This test procedure applies to both switching impulse and lightning impulse tests on cables or cable systems incorporating laminated or extruded insulations. The term laminated cable, as used in this procedure, includes: high-pressure pipe cable, low-pressure gas-filled cable, self-contained liquid-filled cable, solidpaper cable, and other taped cable designs. A cable system is a cable with one or more accessories attached. This test procedure is not intended to replace any existing or future standards covering cable or cable accessories,impulse generators, impulse testing, or voltage measurements. It is intended to supplement such standards by indicating specific procedures for a specific type of cable system or cable system component.This test procedure does not apply to cables or cable systems that utilize gas or gas spacers as the sole insulating medium. This test procedure applies to individual cable accessories only when referenced by the specific accessory standard.
IEEE 82-1994
IEEE Standard Test Procedure for Impulse Voltage Tests on Insulated Conductors