This standard provides basic requirements, direction, and methods for qualifying Class lE Connection Assemblies for service in nuclear power generating stations. These include connectors, terminations, and environmental seals in combination with related cables or wires as assemblies. Qualification of cable with connectors to this standard does not replace qualification to IEEE Std 383TM -2003.1 This standard does not apply to containment electric penetrations, fire stops, in-line splices, or components for service within the reactor vessel. The qualification requirements in this standard, when met, demonstrate and document the ability of the equipment to perform safety function(s) under applicable service conditions (including design basis events) reducing the risks of common cause-equipment failures. This standard does not provide environmental stress levels and performance requirements. NOTE–Othere IEEE standards that present qualification methods for specific equipment, specific environments, or specific parts of qualification program may be used to supplement this standard, as applicable. Annex A of IEEE Std 323TM-2003 lists other standards related to equipment qualification.
IEEE 572-2006
IEEE Standard for Qualification of Class 1E Connection Assemblies for Nuclear Power Generating Stations