This standard provides test criteria to determine the suitability of heating devices and fittings that are used for commercial applications. The standard also includes detailed recommendations for the design,installation, and maintenance of electrical resistance heat tracing in these applications. Commercial applications include installations both inside and outside commercial business buildings, such as office buildings, hospitals, and airports. Typical applications include freeze protection of water pipes; temperature maintenance of hot water piping and other lines and tubing; protection of sprinkler systems; roof, gutter, and pavement deicing; and other applications as shown in Table 1 in 4.1. Commercial applications involving hazardous (classified) locations shall also meet the relevant hazardous location requirements in IEEE Std 515 as well as any other applicable codes and standards.
IEEE 515.1-2005
Standard for the Testing, Design, Installation, and Maintenance of Electrical Resistance Heat Tracing for Commercial Applications