This standard provides a procedure that shall be used to (1) assess structures for atmospheric corrosion; (2) assess the level of risk to the structure in terms of corrosion attack and degradation to the existing coating system; (3) make informed decisions based on those findings as to whether coating repair is needed, and if so, to what extent; and (4) apply repair coatings to the structure if applicable. This standard applies to the repair of above-grade atmospheric coatings. For the purposes of this standard, the atmospheric area to be coated generally comprises of that portion of the utility support structure above the transition zone, which is that portion of the coating exposed up to 600 mm (24 in) above grade.
IEEE 1835-2014
NACE International and IEEE Joint Standard Practice for Atmospheric (Above Grade) Corrosion Control of Existing Electric Transmission, Distribution, and Substation Structures by Coating Systems