This standard formalizes aspects of the stuck-at fault model as they are relevant to the generation of test patterns for digital circuits. Its scope includes a) fault counting, b) fault classification, and c) fault coverage reporting across different automatic test pattern generation (ATPG) tools, for the single stuck-at fault model. Fault grading and simulation is limited to the Verilog gate level representation of a digital circuit. With this standard, it shall be incumbent on all ATPG tools (that comply with this standard) to report fault coverage in a uniform way. This can facilitate the generation of a uniform coverage (and hence a test quality) metric for large chips with different cores and modules, for which test patterns have been independently generated using an ATPG tool, or have been supplied externally and have been simulated using an ATPG tool to ascertain the fault coverage.
IEEE 1804-2017
IEEE Standard for Fault Accounting and Coverage Reporting(FACR) for Digital Modules