This standard defines requirements for test methods for measuring conformance to IEEE Std 1327-1993 {5}. IEEE Std 1327-1993 {5} contains a programming language binding specification for IEEE Std 1224-1993 {3}, using the C programming language. IEEE Std 1326-1993 {4} contains language-independent requirements for test methods for measuring conformance to programming language binding specifications for IEEE Std 1224-1993 {3}, such as that contained in IEEE Std 1327-1993 {5}. This standard contains C language specific requirements for the test methods. Taken in constitute the requirements that shall be satisfied by test methods used for measuring conformance to IEEE Std 1327-1993 {5}.
IEEE 1328-1993
IEEE Standard for Information Technology–Test Methods for Measuring Conformance to Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Abstract Data Manipulation C Language Interfaces–Binding for Application Program Interface (API)