This Standard covers automatic compensating valves intended to control the water temperature to wall- or ceiling-mounted:
- hand-held showers;
- shower heads;
- body sprays either in individual shower or tub/shower combination fittings; and
- tub spouts when part of tub/shower combination fittings.
It offers comprehensive solutions applying to the design, construction, installation, operation, inspection, testing and marking of these components used for plumbing purposes.
A112.1016 is unique for being “harmonized” among three organizations: ASME, CSA and ASSE. Using ASSE 1016 as its basis, it was developed in response to an industry request for a uniform standard that would be even more acceptable to multiple organizations in both the United States and Canada.
This Standard is to be used in conjunction with components described in other volumes of the ASME A112 series. Careful application of these A112 standards will help users to comply with pertinent regulations, while achieving the operational and safety benefits to be gained from the many industry best-practices detailed within these volumes.
Intended for manufacturers of plumbing materials and equipment to enhance water conservation and comply with jurisdictional regulation, plus governmental and other regulatory bodies.