The Reinforced Concrete Design Handbook now provides dozens of design examples of various reinforced concrete members, such as one- and two-way slabs, beams, columns, walls, diaphragms, footings, and retaining walls. For consistency, many of the numerical examples are based on a fictitious seven-story reinforced concrete building. There are also many additional design examples not related to the design of the members in the seven story building that illustrate various ACI 318-14 requirements.
Each example starts with a problem statement, then provides a design solution in a three column format?code provision reference, short discussion, and design calculations? followed by a drawing of reinforcing details, and finally a conclusion elaborating on a certain condition or comparing results of similar problem solutions.
In addition to examples, almost all chapters in the Reinforced Concrete Design Handbook contain a general discussion of the related ACI 318-14 chapter.