This standard applies to ac high-voltage circuit breakers with rated maximum voltage above 1000 V. It defines various tests that are made on ac high-voltage circuit breakers, except for generator circuit breakers, which are covered in IEC/IEEE 62271-37-013:2015 (formerly IEEE Std C37.013(TM)-1997). It specifies the tests and describes the accepted methods used to verify assigned ratings defined in IEEE Std C37.04(TM). It also describes the test procedures associated with production and field installation. The test procedures are divided into the following classifications: a) Design tests; b) Production tests; c) Conformance tests; d) Field tests. NOTE–Design tests are referred to as “Type” tests, and Production tests are referred to as “Routine” tests in IEC standards.
IEEE C37.09-2018
IEEE Standard Test Procedures for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers with Rated Maximum Voltage Above 1000 V