It assists those involved in fuel handling at distribution and intermediate storage facilities. This publication provides guidance on the minimum equipment standards and operating procedures for the receipt, storage blending and delivery of light products, their blend components, and additives at distribution and intermediate storage terminals, including related operations of pipeline, marine vessel (barge or ship) and road/rail transport.
This RP also covers the minimum equipment standards and operating procedures for the receipt, storage, blending of light products, including, but not limited to gasoline, kerosene, diesel, heating oil and their blend components (i.e. ethanol, biodiesel, and butane) at distribution and storage terminals, as well as light product shipments directly via a pipeline, marine vessel (barge or ship) or road and rail transport.
In addition, this RP provides guidance for the design, construction, operation and maintenance of light products storage and distribution terminals with the specific intent of protecting or ensuring product quality.