This standard addresses the interconnection between the Timing Signal Generator (TSG) and Network Elements (NE) in an intra-Central-Office environment. The principal focus of this standard is the physical layer connectivity for Ethernet signals, including the connectorization, cabling, and shielding requirements for delivering a timing reference from the Office TSG to the NE. Protection (e.g., lightning) is out of the scope of this document. The higher layer protocols, formats, and requirements that make the Ethernet signal suitable for timing are not in the scope of this document, but are provided in an Annex for information. This standard does not obsolete timing reference distribution based on traditional twisted-pair cabling used for DS1 and composite-clock (CC) intra-office timing distribution.
ATIS 0900002.2009(S2019)
Synchronization Standard – Physical Interconnection for Ethernet-Based Timing Distribution
Category: ATIS
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